GSRT's staff includes educators, dramaturgs, directors, playwrights, programmers, stage managers, graphic designers, multimedia and 3D specialists. Below are some of the key players.

Cheryl Faver (Co-Director)
specializes in the work of the 20th century avant-garde and the development of new theater texts and processes. She has written on Stein and adapted and directed a number of Stein's texts for the stage, including Four Saints in Three Acts (1987), Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights (1988, 1995), A Play of Not and Now (1990) and Listen to Me (1991). She has directed and adapted plays at Center Stage, Portland Stage, New York Theater Workshop and New York Stage and Film, among others. In the United States, Ms. Faver has been a guest director and frequent lecturer at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts and Center for Digital Media, Lincoln Center and TCG; she has also conducted workshops and lectures in Russia, Korea and Japan. She designed and wrote one of the only interactive, online multimedia textbooks on the history of Western drama, a class that she also taught via video conferencing to students at Binghamton University. She produced Russian and Soviet Theatre Arts and Culture in the Great Utopia, an international distance-learning course with interactive texts, that was taught by Russian and American scholars on Russian performance 1898-1940.

Ms. Faver's pioneering work in the use of computer-based visualization for theater process and performance has been covered in Jane Magazine, Civilization Magazine, The New York Times, The Village Voice, Business Week and Theatre Crafts International, among others. Her article on "Live Performance in the New Media" is featured in Yale Theater Journal. Her work in multimedia in the performing arts was the subject of IBM's international advertising campaign for distance technologies and appeared in 25 magazines in 5 languages. She was a 1998 fellow of the Asian Cultural Council and U.S./Japan Partnership to study Asian arts in Japan and Korea. She holds an M.F.A. in Directing from the Yale University School of Drama and has studied drama and language at the University of Giessen in Germany and the Sorbonne in France.

John Reaves (Co-Director)
has a B.A. and M.S. from Cornell University. He has also studied film at NYU Graduate School of the Arts, and received an M.F.A. in Playwriting at the Yale School of Drama. He has been a consultant in the computer field since the late 70s, specializing in the areas of software development, training, and marketing, computer graphics, and multimedia for a wide range of Fortune 500 clients including Exxon, Equitable, Merck, GM, and NYNEX. At The Gertrude Stein Repertory Theatre, he has worked with IBM, Lucent / Bell Labs and other major IT companies to merge technological innovations with the needs of artistic development and production. His articles on new media in collaboration and education have appeared in Multimedia Today, Cyberstage, and Multimedia Solutions.

Liz Dreyer (General Manager)
received her M.F.A. in Stage Management from the Yale School of Drama. She specializes in producing live events. Before joining GSRT full time, she stage managed across the country at theaters such as the Yale Repertory Theatre, The Huntington Theatre in Boston, Seattle Repertory Theatre, The New York Shakespeare Festival and BAM. She was Production Manager for GSRT's award-winning production of An Epidog with Mabou Mines. Since coming on board with GSRT, she has been actively producing live and remote events using digital technologies and the Internet, including distance performances, rehearsals, and multimedia classes connecting the U.S. with Russia, Japan, England and other international sites.

Hal Eagar (Technical Director)
specializes in technology and the performing arts. He has a background in technical theater and lighting design, and studied Drama as Literature at Purchase College, where Cyberspeare, his play/website/thesis project, was staged in 1995. He joined GSRT in 1996 as a multimedia artist and technical director. His innovative production of Mr. Z : I was a Teenage Cryptologyst was featured at the List Gallery, M.I.T. as part of a virtual performance installation series, "PORT - Navigating Digital Culture." His work has appeared on IBM's Internet World Exposition and the Ise Shrine virtual site in Japan, and he designed the 3D chess set for the original webcast of the Big Blue / Kasparov match. As technical director he has supervised a variety of projects involving streaming media, database design and Web programming.

Leon Katz
is the author of several dozen original plays and adaptations produced in the U.S. and abroad. Among them are The Three Cuckholds (about 400 productions in 11 countries, most recently at L.A.'s Theatre 40) Sonya (most recent production with Julie Harris), Dracula/Sabbat, Son of Arlecchino, GBS in Love, Beds, Pinocchio, Finnegan's Wake, The Marquis de Sade's Justine, Amerika, The Odyssey, Swellfoot's Tears, The Dybbuk and Remembrance of Things Past. He has also done translations and new stage versions of plays by Aeschylus, Schiller, Ibsen, Claudel, Strindberg and others. A collection of his plays is published under the title Midnight Plays.

A noted Stein scholar, his publications on Stein include an introduction to Gertrude Stein on Picasso entitled "He Walks in the Light," Gertrude Stein: QED, Fernhurst and Other Early Writings, an essay in Four Americans in Paris for the Museum of Modern Art and "Weininger and Gertrude Stein," which was included in Twentieth Century Literature. Credited with discovering Stein's seminal notebooks following her death, Dr. Katz has devoted 40 years to preparaing them for publication. He has interviewed leading figures in Stein's circle, including her companion and literary executive Alice B. Toklas, who adumbrated and footnoted Stein's elaborate entries.

Dr. Katz is Professor Emeritus of Drama at Yale University, has been Resident Dramaturg at the Mark Taper Form and is currently Visiting Professor of Drama at UCLA. Before official retirement in 1989, he was co-chairman of the Department of Dramaturgy and Criticism at the Yale School of Drama. In a more than 50-year teaching career, he has also taught at Cornell, Stanford, Columbia, Vassar, Carnegie-Mellon, the University of Pittsburgh, Manhattanville, Barnard, San Francisco State and the University of Giessen in Germany. He was GSRT artist-in-residence in 2000.